2 ORGANISERS OF the annual Jamaica Diaspora Day of Prayer and Fasting (JDDOP) are promising an event with a difference to coincide with happenings at home and overseas. First started in 2004, this year’s JDDOP, scheduled for Saturday, July 30, will be more than a time of prayer, praise and worship, against the backdrop of the global COVID19 health crisis on the one hand and the many socio-economic challenges facing Jamaicans at home on the other hand. “Jamaicans at home and those scattered around the globe are being encouraged to remain steadfast in their vision of achieving spiritual renewal and transformation in these challenging times, as the nation marks a significant milestone – the 60th anniversary of Independence,” said Rev Newton Gabbidon, a member of the consortium of Jamaican clergy who founded the prayer movement in NewYork City and who have remained spiritually engaged in the affairs of their island home, Jamaica. The clergy, elected officials and community leaders in the three key diaspora divisions, United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, will use the occasion to reflect as they celebrate through prayer and praise, while offering messages of inspiration and music. The call to prayer, led by pastors and leaders chosen from across the regions, will run for about 30 minutes, with focus on areas of national life, including but not limited to government and governance, economy, education, public safety, and international affairs. With the pandemic still a matter of concern, the event organisers have opted to conduct the prayer service virtually for the third year running. Jamaicans and friends of the island nation will be able to participate using the popular Zoom platform using Meeting ID: 831 1224 1733, Passcode: 742735. There will also be a live stream on Facebook @ https://www. facebook.com/jamaicadayofprayer. Persons and organisations seeking additional information on the prayer event, or wishing to make a donation towards the cause, are being asked to call/contact the Intercessory Prayer Ministry International (IPMI) at 718.241.2162 or via email at ipmiorg@ aol.com. A special day of prayer, fasting for J’can diaspora ‘Jamaicans at home and those scattered around the globe are being encouraged to remain steadfast in their vision of achieving spiritual renewal and transformation in these challenging times, as the nation marks a significant milestone – the 60th anniversary of Independence.’ THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
3 JAMAICANS AND friends of the island nation in and around Washington, DC will enjoy a very special treat as part of celebrations marking the golden jubilee anniversary of Independence. In keeping with the occasion, celebrated artist Cheery StewartJosephs will once again get the unique honour of turning the walls of the Jamaican Embassy into her own gallery for a month, starting on August 4. According to Stewart-Josephs, the specially curated exhibition will give patrons an eyeful of the sights, colours and shades that have come to define the head, hearts, hands and minds of a proud people since that historic day 60 years ago! “The 60 pieces on display tell a story of happiness and pride, hallmark of the Jamaican spirit and culture that is celebrated globally,” explained an elated Stewart-Josephs, who is currently based in Brooklyn, NY. She was quick to point out that she got her start from very humble circumstances and surroundings on Trafalgar Road in Kingston, in the mid-1970s. She credited her husband Hugh, himself an accomplished abstract illustrator, as a major influence. Audrey Marks, Jamaica’s ambassador to the United States, is expected to open the exhibition, her first, giving patrons their second glimpse of the life and culture they left behind. Painted on canvas and pulled from her vast collection, the pieces show a rich landscape that continues to appeal to holiday seekers, accentuated by brilliant vegetation that tugs at the heart strings of nostalgia. Together, the pieces, one for each year of Independence, present an eloquent expression of life on the island then and now, making this second showing – the first done 10 years ago – another must-see, must-do event on a long list of activities highlighting and commemorating this milestone celebration. J’can life, culture showcased in Independence art exhibit Cheery Stewart-Joseph’s vibrant painting showcasing popular Jamaican fruits CONTRIBUTED This painting of the popular Jamaican attraction Holland Bamboo as depicted by Cheery Stewart-Josephs, one of the many colourful pieces that will be on display at the Jamaican Embassy in Washington, DC. CONTRIBUTED The talented Cheery Stewart-Josephs MINISTER OF Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport Olivia Grange says Jamaica 60 will be used to“engage and motivate our people towards achieving our national objectives”. The theme for Jamaica 60 is ‘Reigniting a Nation for Greatness’. Grange was speaking during the ceremony to officially launch the Jamaica 60 programme of activities at Jamaica House on April 13. Prime Minister Andrew Holness launched the Jamaica 60 programme, which Grange described as a mix of commemorative activities and legacy projects that would bring lasting benefits to Jamaica. She made it clear that Jamaica 60, a yearlong celebration, is “not just a party, but it’s also a time to reflect and to build”. She emphasised that occasions such as Jamaica 60 are an opportunity to“do a report card on our progress as a country [and] set goals for the next five years”. The minister told the invited-only guests at Jamaica House that the Andrew Holness-led Government has “always taken the position that milestone commemorations should be more than celebratory activities but that celebrations, such as Jamaica 60, must include projects that will benefit our country for generations to come”. “One of the goals is to improve our infrastructure and build new infrastructure, all with the aim of making a better life for all the people of Jamaica.” Among the legacy projects to begin this year are: the redevelopment of the National Stadium; the establishment of the Jamaica Sports Museum & Sports Hall of Fame; the establishment of the Harry Belafonte National Concert Hall; a monument to honour frontline workers in the pandemic; as well as the construction of the new parliament building. Special commemorative events will include banquets at which 60 outstanding women and 60 outstanding men will be awarded for their service to the nation, the Kingston Biennial Exhibition at the National Gallery of Jamaica, the Jamaica 60 Reggae Gold Awards, the JDF 60 Parade, the Independence Village from July 29 to August 7, and the Grand Gala at the National Stadium. The Jamaica 60 programme, commemorating 60 years of Independence, was launched in the presence of a delegation fromRwanda. Jamaica reignited for greatness at 60 Grange Miss World 2019 Toni-Ann Singh performs at launch of Jamaica 60 on the lawns of Jamaica House on Wednesday, April 13. RUDOLPH BROWN/PHOTOGRAPHER Prime Minister Andrew Holness THE WEEKLY GLEANER | JULY 25 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 25 - AUGUST 24, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | NEWS 4 THE MINISTER of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport Olivia Grange has launched the Jamaica 60 commemorative stamp. The stamp, commemorating Jamaica’s 60th anniversary of Independence, is produced by Jamaica Post. Speaking at the unveiling of the Jamaica 60 stamp at her New Kingston office onThursday, July 22, Grange said stamps are still important in modern society. “There is always need for commemorative stamps because our athletes, our artists, our creatives will always shine in the world; and will give you reason to produce the wonderful collection of Jamaican stamps that you’re known for. “It is therefore fitting that in this year of our diamond jubilee that a commemorative stamp be commissioned to mark this important milestone in Jamaica’s history,” she said. The stamp, which features the official logo of Jamaica 60, is available immediately from Jamaica Post in denominations of J$60 and J$120. The Postmaster General Lincoln Allen, in a message read by Herbert Fletcher, the senior director for corporate services at the Post and Telecommunications Department, said: “We are pleased to have been commissioned to procure and issue the Jamaica 60th Independence stamp set, which forms part of the wider series of Jamaica’s official celebratory activities to mark our diamond jubilee.” The postmaster general said the design of the stamp represents the “creativity, boldness and greatness of us as a people”. Grange is urging Jamaicans at home and abroad to collect the Jamaica 60 commemorative stamp. “I used to collect stamps as a youngster – don’t know where they are now – but I can encourage everyone in this room, collect these stamps because they’re going to be valuable. Particularly at this time when everything is going digital.” The year-long global celebration of Jamaica 60 is being observed under the theme ‘Re-igniting a Nation for Greatness’. Jamaica 60 commemorative Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport Olivia Grange (second left) unveils the Jamaica 60th Independence anniversary stamp with the assistance of the chairman of the board of directors of the Postal Corporation of Jamaica, Professor Felix Akinladejo (third right). They are also joined by the Permanent Secretary Denzil Thorpe (left) and senior director of corporate services of the Post and Telecommunications Department, Herbert Fletcher (second right), and the director of post and telecommunications in the Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology, Cecil McCain. JIS jamaica at STAMP UNVEILED
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6 The Management and Staff of East Orange Medical Practice salutes Jamaica on the Cebrion of its 60th anniversary of Independence By Neil Armstrong WHEN THE Jamaican flag was hoisted on Monday, August 6, 1962, it not only symbolised Jamaica becoming an Independent state, but also fostered pride among many Jamaicans. For some, they were just entering the world and, like Jamaica’s 60th anniversary, they are celebrating their 60th birthday this year; others are much younger but have high expectations for their birthplace. They all have different views on the nation reaching this milestone, but crime is a major concern. The questions put to them are: How far do you think that Jamaica has come since Independence? How much farther would you like to see the country go? Junior Campbell, Paul Junor and Eunicinth Smith celebrated their 60th birthday recently and at least one of them will fly to Jamaica to re-celebrate their birthday on August 6 – Independence Day – in St Andrew. JUNIOR CAMPBELL, PLANNING ANALYST “I think it’s come a long way in terms of economic development and the progression of people, generally, I think [it] has been real. People’s lives have improved over the last 60 years. As someone who benefited from education and so on, I think Jamaica’s education system is still, probably to me, Crime, corruption main concerns as J’cans reflect on island’s diamond jubilee of Independence Campbell PLEASE SEE CRIME, 7 THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
7 one of the best in terms of being a vehicle for mobility from poor to a lower middle-class kind of existence. “One of the things I hope for Jamaica is a more diversified economy with a lot more potential sources of income for people to be employed. The murder rate and so on has always been an issue for me. That’s probably one of the biggest drawbacks in terms of even thinking of going back to Jamaica to live. That would be a major consideration. “Jamaica has always punched above its weight globally and I think it’s still a country of great inspiration and great capabilities. Jamaicans, tome, as a people, as a concept, are still hard-working, innovative, and can take pride in being a leader in the world. I think the one thing which would help is a little more unity and a lot less politicking. But I think [when] you look at the world overall and politics has become even more tribal, and I think that’s one of the things which is holding back Jamaica. PAUL JUNOR, TEACHER “I think Jamaica is a success story on many levels and not just athletic accomplishments. Big up to those girls – Shericka, oh man like wow – in music, in entertainment. But I think what we oftentimes don’t really see is the fact that Jamaica is also successful in the economic sphere and in the cultural arts as a product. It’s a meeting place where people have their conferences and expos. “Jamaica, for me, symbolises a lot of positive stuff and accomplishments on the one hand. But on the other hand, there is this perpetual struggle to try to battle the issue of crime and the criminality of certain elements within the society. “I would like Jamaica to spend more on developing basic infrastructure in the rural areas and making sure that schools are adequately funded in terms of resources so that parents do not have to carry the heavy weight of much of this stuff.” EUNICINTH SMITH, FINANCIAL ADVISOR “What I’m most impressed with is how brilliant the Jamaican people are; we have one of the most educated nations. Culturally, Jamaica has a strong name recognition across the world. We have a very strong culture and a very proud people. What is holding us back is the crime. I am concerned about that because you would have a lot more people want to return to Jamaica or invest in Jamaica but the concern of crime is a big thing that every government seem to struggle with putting under control. I’m hoping more emphasis will be placed on people in power to come together, left and right, to find solutions to deal with the crime situation.” Smith would like to see more development in the inner-city communities“because you have the upper middle-class and you have the very poor people. There is hardly any in-between, you either rich or you’re poor in Jamaica, and how can we find more equality for all our people, especially those who are in the inner city – a lot of them are just looking for opportunity to get out of it”. JERMAINE COWIE, EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT “In my 32 years, I think Jamaica has come a far way in its development, in its culture, and in the way it grapples with the world. Jamaica is a brand name. I don’t think the brand, Jamaica, is being packaged well because we have so many things that people want from us but we focus on one or two specific things. So, there’s a lot of things that people don’t know about Jamaica that if we brand that and package it like Jamaica we would be further than where we are now. I think a lot has to do with who is in charge and who has the say when it comes on to certain things, for example, Jamaica’s culture is everywhere over the world. Do we really package that culture? I have seen that Jamaica has come a far way but we have further to go. With our potential, with us being in that geographical location in the Caribbean, we need to focus our attention more on other things of Jamaica, instead of just dancehall and food. There is more to Jamaica than just those. “Jamaica is so nice but the crime is holding back Jamaica; crime is just eating the fabric of Jamaican society. So, I would like to see crime away with and that takes the whole Jamaica. It can’t be a one man but we have to silence this ‘informah fi dead’ culture. We have to stop that but then there’s no trust in the system. There’s a long way for Jamaica to go but we have a lot to give thanks for and I’m proud to be Jamaican Canadian and Canadian Jamaican. I want a paradigm shift when it comes on to crime.” PETER SLOLY, FORMER CHIEF OF OTTAWA POLICE SERVICE “From a distance, it seems like Jamaica has weathered as good or better than any other place. There is still significant investment, new investment in parts of the island. There are good signals that money is still coming towards the country, that members of the diaspora are still invested in leading – directly or indirectly there – but there are still very troubling signs. The crime and corruption piece is still unresolved largely. There seems to be political stability but underneath CRIME CONTINUED FROM 6 PLEASE SEE CORRUPTION, 25 Sloly Smith Junor CONTRIBUTED THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
FELLOW JAMAICANS and Friends of Jamaica, I amdeeplyhonoured and immensely proud to extend greetings to you on this momentous occasion, the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Jamaica’s Independence. Sixty years in a nation’s history may not immediately conjure up significant moments of historic events or remarkable achievements worthy of global attention. However, any scrutiny of our relatively short existence as a nation will surely bring to attention the Jamaican slogan“we likkle but we tallawah”, which we enthusiastically embrace and perpetually seek to inject into our personal and national endeavours. The 6th of August 1962 will forever be etched in the annals of Jamaican and arguably, global history. Its significance is strengthened by the many struggles of our forefathers to take control and direct our own destiny, manifested in the freedom which we enjoy today. Over the past 60 years, as a small island developing state, we have demonstrated a capacity to contribute to the human family and we continue to defy expectations in many spheres, including in academia, arts and culture, diplomacy, sports, tourism, science and technology and entertainment, to name just a few. In so doing, the name “Jamaica” resonates in pioneering efforts in some of these areas, gaining plaudits in others, while at the same time becoming synonymous with great quality and high performance, much to the benefit of the nation. The past 60 years have also taught us that the road to success has its very own unique challenges, many of which demand our ful l attention and which we must confront together as a nation, if we are to fulfil the dreams and aspirations of those whose efforts form JULY 25 - JULY 31, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com 8 Together, we can ignite Jamaica for greatness PLEASE SEE GREATNESS, 29 jamaica at THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
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10 We are proud to be a part of Jamaica's continued evolution as a strong, formidable nation. It has been our pleasure to serve our vibrant, "likkle but tallawah" island as it continues to captivate hearts and minds across the globe. Happy Diamond Jubilee Jamaica! ® Registered trademark of the Bank of Nova Scotia. THE WEEKLY GLEANER | JULY 25 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | ADVERTISEMENT
11 JAMAICA’S 60TH anniversary of Independence represents a critical milestone for Jamaica. Our ancestors came to the shores of Jamaica, not through naturalisation or as tourists, but as chattels relegated to a life of enslavement as property, stripped of their names, humanity, and dignity under a brutal system of violence and oppression. On August 6, 1962, most Jamaicans voted in favour of Independence, braving a path for a new Jamaica free of British rule and detrimental influences. The moment of Jamaica’s choosing its independence has etched an indelible mark on the Caribbean. The call for independence resulted from the demands for liberation and justice to the oppressive financial, social, and political constraints of the times. Emancipation Day reminds us that we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors and heroes who endured the brutality of slavery and, inmany cases, sacrificed their lives to win the fight for freedom. We owe them a tremendous debt; to live productive and impactful lives free from any form of slavery – whether physical, economic, or mental. Independence Day reminds us that, as a nation and people, we have much to give God thanks for as Jamaica celebrates 60 years under the theme ‘Reigniting a Nation for Greatness’. However, we must not waver in our efforts to truly become an independent nation by extricating ourselves from Britain, i.e. becoming a democratic republic and removing the Queen as head of state. Jamaica at 60 represents a critical juncture in our national development. Like our ancestors and heroes, Jamaica at 60 represents a critical juncture in our national development Dunkley jamaica at we must reignite Jamaica for greatness because we owe it to our children to secure a future free from debt and filled with the promise of physical, emotional, and economic security. One love! One people! God bless Jamaica! Dr Karren Dunkley Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative, Northeast USA THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE Programs 1. Au Futur Program (Young Mothers) 2. Footsteps Program 3. Adult Basic Education Program 4. Brilliant Minds Program (Tutoring) 5. Food Bank 6. Tax Clinic Services 1. Immigration Documents 2. Space Rental 3. Community Service Program 4. Licensed Restaurant “Cool Runnings” 5. Licensed Bar “Negril” 6. A safe place to gather with friends A) Board of Directors 1. Mark Henry, President, mhenry@jam-montreal.com, 514-238-2659 2. Sharon Nelson, 1st Vice President, sharon.nelson@jam-montreal.com, 438-507-9258 3. Alexander Townsend, 2nd Vice President, 514-737-8229 4. Melrose Christopher, Treasurer, jamtreasurer@outlook.com, 514-737-8229 5. Ingrid Barrett, Secretary, secretary@jam-montreal.com, 514-737-8229 6. Uton Lynch, Director, 514-737-8229 7. Clyde Williams, Director, IT, 514-737-8229 8. Roger Hylton, Director, Security & Entertainment, 514-737-8229 9. Conroy Barnes, Director, Games, Sports, & Recreation, 514-737-8229 B) Committees & Chairs 1. Jamaica Association Business Owners & Professionals (JABOP), Molly Young 2. Membership Committee, Sharon Nelson 3. Social Committee, Alexander Townsend 4. Women’s Auxiiary (WA), Sharon Nelson 5. Building Committee, Mark Henry 6. Youth Committee, Jade Parkinson-Gayle, jamyouthrep@gmail.com 7. Senior Committee, Shelley Morgan, jamsenior1962@gmail.com 8. Human Resources, Omar Ramus, jamhumanresources1962@gmail.com C) Staff Contacts 1. Diane Boyd, Managing Director, jammanagingdirector@gmail.com Banquet Manager, jambarbanquetgmail.com, 438-390-7763 2. Kim Payton, Coordinator, Programs & Services jamprogramservices@jam-montreal.com, 514-737-8229 3. Keisha Wilson, Bar Manager, jambarservices@gmail.com, 514-737-8229 4. Winston “Pick” Richards, Chef, 514-737-8229 5. Donna-Angella Stewart, Coordinator, Au Futur Program aufuturprogram@gmail.com, 438-499-8229 Contact info: PHONE: 514-737-8229 • WEB: jam-montreal.com • EMAIL: info@jam-montreal.com • FB: facebook/jamaicaassociationmontreal * INSTAGRAM: jamaicaassociationmontreal • YOUTUBE: Jamaica Association of Montreal ASSOCIATION JAMAICAINE DE MONTREAL INS. We Grow Because We Serve!
12 HAPPY INDEPENDENCE to all my fellow countrymen and women, those at home and abroad! Sixty years ago, our beautiful island of Jamaica attained its independence from the British, but continued on as a Commonwealth body. As Jamaicans, we all look for the betterment of things now and to come. We have progressed materially and socially since our Independence, showcasing our extraordinary talents in sport, art, music, education, medicine and, most recently, breaking barriers in the tech world. Unfortunately, I have mixed feelings, as we are still reminded of the poverty and major crime in our country. This struggle invades the minds and hearts of too many of our people, who have forgotten how to show love and compassion to each other. As we look forward to the next 60 years and beyond, we should work at eradicating the poverty and crime that have invaded our country. I believe that we can achieve even more amazing things if we put aside our differences in an effort to make things better. We continue to look to our leaders, especially political and religious leaders, to take action where and when necessary and appropriate. Together, we must help each other in enhancing our strength and possibilities in reducing our weaknesses and limitations. The global diaspora continues to excel and does excellent work in all fields of its endeavour. The diaspora also contributes to the country more than their fair share of commendable economic growth. It is their undying love for the betterment of this Jamaica, land we love, that drives them to these possibilities. Let us all strive for advancement in every aspect of our accomplishments. In the meantime, have a commemorative Independence celebration while preparing ourselves for more progressive and challenging tasks ahead. May God in His richest blessings continue to guide and protect us all - Jamaica, land we love! I thank you. BarbaraWilson President/Director – Caribbean Festival and Cultural Organization of PA Commissioner – Mayor ’s Commission on African and Caribbean Immigrant Affairs, Philadelphia By Marjorie Taylor ANNIVERSARIES GIVE the celebrants the opportunity to look back over the years as they mark the dates of significant events by reflecting upon them and how these shaped their lives. Thus, it is with the upcoming celebration of Jamaica’s 60th anniversary of Independence which will be celebrated worldwide by Jamaicans on August 6, 2022. I doubt that the euphoria that gripped Jamaicans on that day on August 6, 1962 can be matched as nothing ever matches the “first” of anything. In this case, when the black, green and gold flag of Jamaica was raised, and the first note of the national anthem was played. Jamaica LandWe Love was penned by Reverend Hugh Sherlock (affectionately known as Father Sherlock, beloved founder of Boys’ Town – Jamaica). The music was composed by Robert Lightbourne and arranged by Mapletoft Poulle and Christine Alison Poulle. On reflecting upon the years since gaining Independence, as a then 14-year-old high-school girl, the challenges (not without the usual political rancor) leading up to Independence, I was excited and thrilled as Jamaica started a new chapter in its history. Jamaica had briefly become a part of theWest Indies Federation, which was not universally popular among the various islands, and thus Jamaica’s decision to become independent was decided by a referendum. “How far has Jamaica come ... really since that momentous day? The words of the anthem reflect themes such as – Eternal Father [God], prayer for the leaders and people, justice, truth ‘be ours forever’, love of country, vision, strengthening the weak, knowledge, wisdom. My thoughts today beg the question, Are Jamaicans living true to the words they sing in the national anthem? Are Jamaica and Jamaicans reflecting and honouring these values? As one who immigrated to Canada in 1969 and claim dual citizenship, there is much of which to be proud but like all countries – developed/undeveloped/“third world” - the country is faced with many challenges – even more significantly coming through the current pandemic. Jamaica still relies heavily on tourism and with the crime rate escalating this is a huge negative for the economy. There are many challenges to overcome. Some recollections seared in my memory over the past 60 years include: 1. 1962: Independence Day August 6 2. 1963: Creation of the Festival Office Jamaica - How far have we come, really? Looking for betterment with mixed feelings after 60 years PLEASE SEE JAMAICA, 20 THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
13 THE WEEKLY GLEANER | JULY 25 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | ADVERTISEMENT
By Lester Hinds THE NATIONAL Dance Theatre Company (NDTC) of Jamaica will perform in south Florida fromOctober 1-3, as part of the community’s celebration of Jamaica’s 60th anniversary of Independence. Also celebrating that milestone this year, the NDTC will have its first performance at the Miami-Dade Cultural Center on October 1. From there, the dance group will move to the Miramar Cultural Center for a performance on October 2. The NDTC will give a free performance at the Miramar Cultural Center on October 3 for school children. The dance ensemble is being hosted by the Louise Bennett-Coverley Heritage Council, in conjunction with the Jamaican Consulate in Miami. President of the Louise BennettCoverley Heritage Council Colin Smith said that it is fitting that the NDTC should be performing as part of the community’s celebration of Jamaica’s Diamond Jubilee Independence Anniversary given that it is also celebrating 60 years this year. “The purpose is to provide our community will different aspects of Jamaica’s right cultural heritage and who are better ambassadors of this culture than the NDTC,” he said. Smith pointed out that the Jamaican Folk Singers is also part of this cultural heritage and has performed in South Florida as part of the heritage council’s outreach to bring Jamaican culture to the community. “The Pantomime is also planned for the community,” he said The cultural showcase, Smith said, is staged to expose the community to different aspects of the Jamaican culture. He said that it is especially important that children are given the widest possible experience of the Jamaican culture, hence the free concert for school children. The appearance would also promote cultural understanding, appreciation of diversity and affirm cultural identity through a comprehensive showcasing of artistic excellence that is inherent in the people of the Caribbean. “A performance of the company in 2022 will renew and strengthen the cultural and artistic ties between both countries and bring hope and fulfilment to the people of Florida as they celebrate this milestone occasion,”said Smith. Consul General Oliver Mair noted that the effort to bring the NDTC to South Florida has been a year’s long. “The NDTC is a group that represents the best of Jamaica and it will be a privilege for the people of South Florida to experience their outstanding performance,” he said. The NDTC last performed in Florida in 2010. The NDTC has performed to critical acclaim in the international arena in regions such as the Caribbean, North, Central and South America and Europe. Their wide-ranging repertoire reflects the creative imagination and cultural experiences of Jamaica and the Caribbean through the lens of choreographers hailing from Jamaica, Cuba, Haiti, Barbados and the United States. 14 NDTC to highlight Jamaican culture in South Florida The NDTC performing at the launch of Jamaica 60 on the lawns of Jamaica House on April 13. RUDOLPH BROWN Mair THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
15 THE WEEKLY GLEANER | JULY 25 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | ADVERTISEMENT
16 By Neil Armstrong FORMER OTTAWA police chief, Peter Sloly, is to officially start in his new role as visiting fellow, changemaker-in-residence at Massey College, University of Toronto, in September. As a senior fellow, Sloly will be contributing to Massey College’s bodies of knowledge through the co-authoring of a book, supporting relevant research in psychology or sociology by junior fellows, and there will be partnerships with the university’s criminology department to contribute to a growing area of study around policing, justice and security. He will also help principal Nathalie Des Rosiers with her goal to make the college more diverse, equitable and inclusive – whether it is through ensuring that the student body is reflective of the larger population, or that the approach to study and openness to ideas are not being limited by institutional or systemic bias. “In my first year out of policing that’s a good place for me to spend a good chunk of my time,” Sloly told The Gleaner about the year-over-year appointment. He said the new position is part of what he described as a gradual process to re-establish himself and to continue making a positive contribution to society. As a visiting fellow, he will deliver or participate in presentations, lectures, panels, and curated events. At his first unofficial speaking engagement held in the college’s main library in April, Sloly spoke on the current and future state of policing. “It was also a chance for me to get reinvigorated so getting down there and speaking with their junior fellows – the students that come from almost every different discipline in the university from engineering and the medical sciences through to arts and journalism. These are their top 1-2 per cent students, 75 per cent of which are projected to go on to leading big organisations, institutions, if not elected positions. There’s a strong cadre of future leaders,” Sloly told The Gleaner of his first public engagement since he resigned from the Ottawa Police Service in the wake of the protracted ‘Freedom Convoy’ trucker protests in February. Sloly, who immigrated to Canada from Jamaica at the age of 10, served in the Toronto Police Service for 27 years, rising to the position of deputy chief – a position he held from 2009 to 2016. He was the head of the capital’s police service from 2019 to 2022. With his new job, Sloly is upbeat at being affiliated with the University of Toronto andMassey College, one of the oldest and most renowned colleges. On August 7, he will be one of the speakers inThe Power of Image Lecture Series – Image and Power – presented by Massey College and the Aga Khan Museum. It will be held at the museum which provides visitors with a window into the artistic, intellectual, and scientific contributions of Muslim civilisations to world heritage. The lecture series brings together notable speakers from diverse industries to discuss the prominent themes in the museum’s exhibition, ‘IMAGE? The Power of the Visual’. The other speakers are Bernie Farber, a human rights consultant and social justice advocate, and Senior Fellow Zainub Verjee. Sloly will focus on the symbology of policing and how it relates to the current time – examining the thin blue line, the paramilitary effect of the uniform, and how they fit into the larger social context now. However, Sloly is currently focused on contributing to the many different enquiries that are ongoing regarding what took place in and around the ‘Freedom Convoy’, including Justice Rouleau’s review of the procedures of the Emergencies Act. There are a number of local reviews that are taking place within the city of Ottawa as well. On April 25, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau named long-time judge Paul Rouleau to lead the independent Public Order Emergency Commission. Once his work on the reviews is behind him, Sloly said he will turn his attention to the next major stage of his working life. He said that it might include policing, but could also be something completely different. It could also be a deeper dive into academia or writing a book. But while a wide range of opportunities exists, he said he will “with discernment from the good Lord figure out which direction to go in”. Asked if he would consider running for political office, the former top cop said he has been approached by every political party at all levels, but he has no interest in running for elected office. Former Ottawa police chief now a visiting fellow at Massey College SLOLY ‘It was also a chance for me to get reinvigorated so getting down there and speaking with their junior fellows – the students that come from almost every different discipline in the university from engineering and the medical sciences through to arts and journalism. These are their top 1-2 per cent students, 75 per cent of which are projected to go on to leading big organisations, institutions, if not elected positions. There’s a strong cadre of future leaders.’ THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
17 THE WEEKLY GLEANER | JULY 25 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | ADVERTISEMENT
18 YORK COLLEGE has presented its inaugural Presidential Medal to VP Records co-founder and reggae music promoter, Patricia Chin. The medal was bestowed upon‘Miss Pat’ recently at the Guy Brewer campus in Queens, New York. President Dr Berenecea J. Eanes recognised Miss Pat as a pillar and staple of the community for bringing “reggae culture of music” to a diverse community. York College is a senior college of the City University of NewYork. It provides students with a one-of-a-kind educational experience. It offers many qualities of a major university, including a distinguished faculty and strong pre-professional programmes. At the same time, students benefit from individualised attention and a strong sense of community. YORK COLLEGE PRESENTS FIRST PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL TO VP RECORDS CO-FOUNDER Pat Chin (left) receives York College’s Presidential Medal from President Dr Berenecea J. Eanes. CONTRIBUTED THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
ST JOHN’S EPISCOPAL Hospital has announced Jacqueline Marecheau as its interim chair of obstetrics and gynaecology (OB/ GYN). In her new role, Marecheau will oversee the various services performed by the OB/GYN team to improve the overall quality of care. Marecheau comes to her role with nearly 20 years of experience as a faculty and voluntary attending. She initially joined St John’s, in early 2020, as the director of quality and patient safety for women’s ehalth. For the last two years, Dr Marecheau has led the department with a focus on quality improvement, patient safety, policy, and procedure. “It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Dr Jacqueline Marecheau as interim chairperson of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,”said Dr Donald Morrish, chief medical officer and senior vice-president of medical affairs. “Her experience and passion for women’s health will benefit the Rockaway community at large and I look forward to working with her as we improve the way St John’s provides 19 60th Anniversary of our Independence the new interim chair of obstetrics and gynaecology at St John’s Marecheau PLEASE SEE MARECHEAU, 20 Marecheau THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
3. 1965: Martin Luther and Coretta King’s visit to Jamaica - June 20 4. 1964: Marcus Garvey was declared the first national hero and in 1965,Sir Alexander Bustamante (founder of the JLP) and Sir Norman Manley (founder of the PNP) awared the Order of National Hero. 5. 1966: Ethiopan Emperor Haille Selaise visits - April 21 6. 1968: UWI student protest and The Rodney Disturbance of 1968. The riots, which ensued asWalter Rodney was a lecturer at UWI, Mona campus, were further awakening of “black and economic consciousness” in university population, spilling over into the general population and worldwide interest in international issues. This was the year prior to my immigrating to Canada and I was living in Kingston at the time. How was Jamaica viewed by Canada over the years and especially since Independence? My personal perspective of Canada and that of Canadians of Jamaicans was quite positive prior to my immigrating to Canada. After all, my sister was recruited as a nurse and my eldest brother had received a CIDA [Canadian International Development Agency] scholarship to study at NAIT (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology). Many Jamaicans first migrated under the domestic scheme [1966-67], then came the recruitment under the points system where there was a huge “brain drain” of professionals to Canada. Jamaicans are well integrated into the fabric of Canada and have contributed significantly to the country socially, culturally, politically and economically. Many of its luminaries [native to Jamaica or of Jamaican heritage] are well known Canada wide. Congratulations to Jamaica on its 60th anniversary of Independence, and best wishes as it considers forging another significant chapter in its history as it decides on its future of becoming a republic. Marjorie Taylor (nee Brownie) is a community leader/volunteer; Brampton, Ontario resident; 2015 Brampton Citizen of the Year; and past student of Manning’s School in Westmoreland, Jamaica. 20 Congratulations on Jamaica’s 60th Anniversary of Independence care to women,” he added. Before joining St John’s Episcopal Hospital, Marecheau was a faculty staff attending at the Long Island College Hospital (LICH), where she completed her residency training, becoming a medical student clerkship director. She then spent nine years as a faculty attending at NYU Langone-Brooklyn (formerly Lutheran Medical Center), where she chaired the quality assurance committee for the Federally Qualified Health Center in Women’s Health. The Bronx native received her Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Education from the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education (currently known as the CUNY Medical School). She obtained her medical degree from SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn, NY, and is board certified in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology. Marecheau has received numerous awards throughout her career, most notably the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, which she has received twice. Outside of her career, she is a proud wife of 11 years and mother to an eight-year-old son. St John’s Episcopal Hospital is the only hospital providing emergency and ambulatory care to the densely populated, culturally and economically diverse, and medically underserved populations of the Rockaways and five towns in southern Queens County and southwestern Nassau County, New York. Celebrating over 110 years of community care, the 257-bed facility provides people of all faiths with comprehensive preventive, diagnostic treatment and rehabilitative services, regardless of ability to pay. For more information, visit www.ehs.org. MARECHEAU CONTINUED FROM 19 JAMAICA CONTINUED FROM 12 THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
21 THE WEEKLY GLEANER | JULY 25 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | ADVERTISEMENT
22 THE WEEKLY GLEANER | JULY 25 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | ADVERTISEMENT
24 JAMAICANS IN Canada organised a four-month-long series of activities to mark the island’s 60th anniversary of Independence under the theme ‘Reigniting a Nation for Greatness’. The celebrations kick off with an Independence church cervice at Faith Sanctuary in Toronto on July 31 and culminate on October 21, with Helping Hands Jamaica Foundation’s ‘Jamrock’ gala. Other activities include a BobMarley exhibition in May; flag-raising ceremonies; 5K Jam-Walk and brunch; illumination of the Niagara Falls; gospel concert; film screening; fashion shows and food festivals. The Jamaica 60 activities in Canada were officially launched at the Toronto Event Centre in March, followed by a Jamaica 60 Canada church service at the Praise Cathedral Worship Centre Church in Mississauga. Celebratory activities across Canada are being spearheaded by High Commissioner of Jamaica to Canada Sharon Miller and Consul General Lincoln Downer. Marley exhibition to celebrate Jamaica 60 in Canada Marley THE WEEKLY GLEANER | JULY 25 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
25 By Sophia Findlay LORNA BINNS is a smart, fun, disciplined, hard-working and energetic woman who loves to lead the daily operation of SunValley Plantation, a botanical farm she runs with her husband, Nolly, mainly for excursions and export. During a recent Canadian diaspora press trip to Jamaica for journalists from different media houses in the Greater Toronto Area, hosted by the Jamaica Tourist Board, Binns, along with her son Brian in tow, presented an unforgettable educational tour through a section of their 34-acre property where she patiently teaches the medicinal and old-time remedies of the fruits, herbs, spices and plants they cultivate. Located in Oracabessa, St Mary, the Sun Valley Plantation has been in constant production since slavery days and is a highly recommendedmust-see spot for anyone who wants to learn about the island’s tropical fruits, such as bananas and their farm specialty, coconuts. Her nurturing of the estate surpasses just planting as she demonstrates a delicate hand pollination process on a Sun Valley Plantation offers the best of Jamaica Lorna Binns stands next to a Jackfruit tree loadedwith fruits. CONTRIBUTED PLEASE SEE JAMAICA, 27 that, and I can only speak really about policing, there is that very still troubling element, I believe, that is less a crime problem and more a corruption problem. And until you tackle the corruption issue, the crime issue will never be substantially addressed. So, there are signs for hope and there are signs for struggle. “I would like to see it [Jamaica] go back to those heady days of the world is ours. We are the masters of our destiny and with the guidance of the good Lord, we’re going to get there sooner and better as a result of it. But the world is a far less simple place than it was then and as simple as it was then, it became very complicated for us. Now we have social media, now we have global economy, now we have existential threat like climate change. We have far more different types of threats now – cyber, domestic and international terrorism, the economic impact of COVID, the psychological impact that its had on a generation of young people and a generation of elders. I’d like to go back to that day of anything is possible, we had national heroes we celebrated, we didn’t question them, we had values that were rock solid as opposed to debatable on social media. “Younger people will tell me that’s old man thinking, we’re the most educated, most information savvy, most tech savvy generation, the largest cohort in the history of our island, we’re going to take the island forward. I believe that, but they’re taking it forward CORRUPTION CONTINUED FROM 7 PLEASE SEE INDEPENDENCE, 29 THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
26 THE WEEKLY GLEANER | JULY 25 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | ADVERTISEMENT
27 vanilla orchid in preparation for it to produce pods after nine months. Clad casually in cropped jeans, and moving expertly among the vegetation, a capped Binns divulges that vanilla is irresistible to men and that females should wear the scent, if they desire that romantic attention. The ex-banker turned farmer said she was taught how to pollinate when she used to visit a vanilla farm, which she said no longer exist and the practice not done commercially anymore on the island. “it’s very labour intensive … once I did over 100 in a day on this farm,” she explains. Binns also points out different types of bananas, such as Lakatan, Gros Michel and Fe’i that are cultivated on the flourishing property that is home and business. “We have 27 varieties of banana, and my favourite is the Gros Michel and that type was brought in to Jamaica fromMartinique, in 1835, by a botanist named Jean Francois Pouyat. It is the most expensive banana in the fruit market,” she said. “A fairly new variety is the Fe’I banana that was developed by a French scientist and they’re fine for boiling. Jamaica started to boil banana during World War One and called it Long Grain Rice, long before Uncle Ben’s. So, as a child if my neighbour said they were cooking long grain rice we knew what it was, but I don’t hear the term anymore,” Binns shared. She went on to say this type of banana boils within five minutes and it’s often very soft and is not ideal for export because of its propensity to get mushy when ripened and has a different flavour profile from the others. She also informed the group that bamboo was brought in from Asia to brace the banana plants. Interestingly, the skin of a young banana, like Aloe vera, commonly called ‘sinkle Bible’, has healing and therapeutic properties. “Some people, especially in the country areas, if a rusty should stick them, they’d crush the skin of the young green banana, add kerosene oil to it, heat it over lamp, then tie the area and it would draw out the poison.” The 90-minute tour revealed a number of endemic specimens, including Jamaica’s national bird, the hummingbird, otherwise known as the doctor bird, which she names and summons from the wild to glide and land on her guests’outstretched arms. It’s deemed a great teaching moment for parents in the diaspora to introduce their children to their Jamaican heritage. A leisurely stroll through the expansive variety of fruit trees and herbs, flowers, and trees of all sorts, including black pepper, allspice, jackfruit, breadfruit, sugar cane, fever grass, mint, rosemary, avocado pear, plantains, otaheite apples, mammee, mandarin, mangoes, oranges, Jamaica’s national flower, the lignum vitae, and national tree, the blue mahoe, reveals much about Jamaica in an transquil garden ambiance on the working plantation. But it was the welcome and farewell treats of natural juices, including cold coconut water and mammee punch that delighted the visitors. A sampling of various fruits that are in season were offered, but the highlight of the snack collection was the fried and salted breadfruit, which was sliced thinly and prepared without roasting nor boiled beforehand. A cooked version of the national dish, ackee and salt fish, whetted the appetite. The charming entrepreneur tickled her visitors’ senses with delightful sights, sounds, copious tasting, scents and feel of the Jamaican fauna that undoubtedly make the experience an everlastingly impactful one. Lorna Binns shows off a variety of tropical trees growing on the Sun Valley Plantation. CONTRIBUTED JAMAICA CONTINUED FROM 25 THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE
28 THE WEEKLY GLEANER | JULY 25 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | ADVERTISEMENT
29 Mavis Elaine Burke – Educator – PhD, O Ont., OD(J) Died peacefully on July 7, 2022 in her 94th year. Born in Cuba to Jamaican parents Ama Gladys Burke (nee Simpson) and Charles Norman Burke, she grew up in Jamaica before migrating to Canada in 1971 to continue research on her doctoral thesis in Education. She was predeceased by her parents and siblings Enyd MacKenzie, Norma Fernandez, Charles Norman Burke, Jnr and Sydney Burke. She leaves behind nieces and nephews as well as many cousins, other relatives and close friends. She attended St. Andrew High School for Girls where she did well academically as well as on the sports field. She was the first in her family to take an intellectual path and set the stage for the next generation to also pursue their dreams. She studied at the University College of the West Indies, then a college of the University of London. Graduating in 1958 with Honours and a degree in History. She earned a post graduate Diploma in Education from UWI, MA in Education from University of London and a PhD in Education from University of Ottawa. She attended and spoke at numerous International conferences relating to Education and International Development and was made a Fellow of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). An Education Officer in the Ontario Ministry of Education, in 1981 she was made Chairperson and then President of the Ontario Advisory Council on Multiculturalism and Citizenship. In 1985 she was appointed Chairperson of the Ontario Social Assistance Review Board. In 1987 She founded Women for PACE, later becoming PACE Canada and became the first President. This organization was set up to assist Early Childhood Education in Jamaica initially and expanded to include Canada. PACE now assists some 317 Basic Schools in Jamaica through its adopt-a-school campaign Her vision, dedication and hard work have left a legacy which has enabled others to lead more fulfilled lives and to carry on the task of enriching the lives of those who come after. Her honours included the Order of Ontario (O Ont.) and Queen’s Jubilee Medal and for services to Jamaica she was made an Officer of the Order of Distinction (OD) and received the Prime Minister’s Medal for services to Education. Her funeral service will take place on Friday July 22, 2022, at Highland Funeral Home, Markham Chapel, 10 Cachet Woods Court, Markham L6C 3G1 at 10:30am. Masks required. In recognition of her life’s commitment to improving Early Childhood Education and in lieu of flowers, donations can be made to PACE Canada at www.pacecanada.org . INDEPENDENCE CONTINUED FROM 25 the backbone of our Jamaican society. As we continue to strive, this historic milestone also affords us the opportunity to pause and reflect on our progress as a nation so far, with a view to recalibrating the way forward, bearing inmind current global realities and the ominous threats of climate change, narco- and human trafficking and the linkages with the small arms trade, all of which threaten to erode the gains we have made over these years. There is no denying that the COVID 19-pandemic has left an indelible mark on the global family of nations, sparing none. Despite our own setbacks, Jamaica remains resilient, with our macro-economic indicators showing a slow but steady recovery to pre-COVID levels. We must be prepared to utilise these positive indicators to create a national platform aimed at ‘Re-igniting a Nation for Greatness,’ which symbolises the theme for this year’s independence. I must take this opportunity of our Diamond Jubilee to salute all Jamaicans in the diaspora. You remain a valuable component of our national development strategy. The country continues to benefit tremendously from your enduring commitment to the island’s development, characterised by your generosity, investment in various sectors of the economy and importantly, your strong interest in the day-to-day affairs of the country. We hear your voices, share your concerns and value your opinions. As such, the Government is committed to ensuring that your vision for a better Jamaica becomes part of the official development plans and strategies for the future. Let us continue the journey, working together for a brighter tomorrow, for current and future generations. I am confident that with the continued support of Jamaicans in the diaspora, we can re-ignite Jamaica for greatness. Greatness is not a destination, but an ongoing journey that unfolds each day. I wish for all Jamaicans at home and in the diaspora, a happy 60th Independence anniversary as together, we establish new pathways and strengthen old ones in our continued efforts to achieve Vision 2030 Jamaica to make our country “the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business”. May God continue to bless Jamaica, land we love. AUDREY MARKS JAMAICA AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED STATES GREATNESS CONTINUED FROM 8 in a far more complex and vexing time than it was in the mid-to-late sixties. I think it is one of those good news-bad news stories. I think we have an incredibly elevated capacity with our young people to see it differently and I think therefore better than our generation did, but they’re coming into a more challenging and vexing period than we ever faced.” BELINDA BRADY, SINGER-SONGWRITER I speak from an artiste and music business perspective. Certainly, Jamaica has travelled leaps and bounds over the last 60 years. Manufacturing records was a big thing 60 years ago. Now, with the evolution of technology, there has been a drastic disruption to the music climate in Jamaica. Recording, creating album graphics andmusic distribution can now be done right from your living room via online distribution channels. The artistes are now doing it all themselves. They are creating their own micro or niche fanbase without having the record labels as the gatekeeper blocking them from direct reach to sell, engage, or perform to their fans. Artistes are now realising that music is partly a way of making a living and by increasing online followers, they can become influencers and ambassadors for other brands willing to pay them. Overall, Jamaica, whilst still holding its culture strong, has certainly been influenced by global technology and is carving a new Jamaica on the world stage. I would like to see Jamaica improve on overall crime and provide a better way for its people, like Buju for example. He uses Instagram to influence his followers to indulge in crypto currency and NFTs as today’s freedom path out of economic hardships. Many, however, may not understand the complexities of this - yet he is using this free medium to educate ‘his’ people for a better tomorrow. DANIELLE DOWDY, SENIOR ADVISOR, STRATEGIC POLICY & STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS “I’m proud to see Jamaica mark its 60th year of Independence this year. It’s amazing the level of influence and impact the island has on the world! While we celebrate, let’s not forget about the incredible potential of Jamaica, which can only be realised through strong and consistent government investments in infrastructure, education, healthcare, businesses and entrepreneurs, and community safety.” THE MONTHLY GLEANER | JULY 31 - OCTOBER 21, 2022 | www.jamaica-gleaner.com | FEATURE